Justice and Mercy


Join us as we seek to truly love our neighbors and sacrificially serve our community. 

Kingdom Life on Wheels

Kingdom Life on Wheels (KLOW) offers relational ministry to the elderly who reside at The Lynmoore in Ft. Pierce. Twice a month, KLOW brings church to them through song and meditation. In December 2019, at the request of the Lynmoore, KLOW began meeting with those in the memory care (MC) unit. You can ask a member of KLOW and they will tell you “we are blessed beyond what we have to give” and we have ‘fallen in love’ with the residents. Check out the video below for a taste of how Kingdom Life on Wheels got started. 


Graceway Village

Since 2009, GraceWay Village has served Treasure Coast residents who struggle with poverty, food scarcity, homelessness, and other tragic needs. GraceWay's formation was an outgrowth of IRPC's vision for serving unmet needs in St. Lucie County. Its mission is to: feed those who are hungry; provide clothing to children and teens of low-income families; and conduct workshops designed to improve lives and productivity. Since 2009, GraceWay Village has served over 255,000 meals to the hungry and supplied more than 22,000 area children and teens with clothing items.

As we endeavor to love our neighbors who are hurting or in crisis, we engage several local mission partners.

Mustard Seed

The mission of Mustard Seed Ministries is "to coordinate the energies of the Christian churches of St. Lucie County to meet the spiritual and material needs of the whole person and to make referrals to all available relief agencies in our community to take care of those in need". IRPC is a financial supporter of Mustard Seed and its members are encouraged to provide additional support through donations for its food pantry and participation in the Community Thanksgiving Day Feast that it coordinates.

Safe Families

The Treasure Coast chapter of Safe Families for Children partners with local churches to provide radical hospitality and disruptive generosity to families in Crisis. Their goal is to mobilize the churches in our area to be a network of support that helps reduce child abuse/neglect, deflect children entering the child welfare system, and strengthen families to stay together.